Thursday 13 February 2014

The Heavy Lift Animation

I began by re-recording the heavy lift reference video.

Here I ignored the storyboard as advised, and just went for a one time pick-up of the heavy object, this time actually using a heavy object, in order to have a strong full body motion lift to reference from.

For the record this is still at a stage where I aim to adjust the ending simply because I'm still keyframing the resolution of the animation Blocking in Maya progressed at a comfortable pace, simply due to only having one focus, it streamlined my workflow. I did find that certain human "slight movements" were hard to animate and keep in a smooth motion, however is something that can easily fixed when stringing together inbetweens.

The smoothed version does show more fluidity, however it is still to stiff and almost robot like. Sanding down the rough edges within maya with be a simple enough task, and I do aim to finish the pre-rendered animation soon.

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